(TED) – How to make Stress Your Friend!
Have you noticed how everything seems to spend up over the last two weeks?!
How, as we have been moving into this new year, the energy seems to have been building? (Especially since the planet Mercury went direct a few weeks ago.) Well astrologically and energetically has been.
How are you handling this energy?
For me all my new projects for the next 6 months are being planned and created right now. Luckily with the help of my support team. So quite it’s full on here too and I’m having fun juggling it all.
With all this going on I thought I would share this video today, to give you a surprising insight into stress. It’s an approach I have been exploring for a while, and I find it fascinating.
Have your stress levels been increasing?
There is a unexpected solution!
We have all heard how stress can harm us, yet, amazingly, how we think about it could be actually be what is harming us!
If you have any stress in your life, then think you will find this great TED talk by Kelly McGonigal fascinating, illuminating and funny!