Cassandra Punita james – 

Helping 38+ inspired people live their dreams by unlocking hidden potential in their pelvis.

clearing money, work, energy limits, stress & anxiety, & healing lower body issues. 

Cassandra James shares how Healing the Deep could help you

For there is more to us than meets the eye…

Like icebergs our visible bodies are only a small part of us. Below the surface of our bodies, and invisible to the human eye (though revealed by CT scans), our body is a complex web of energy channels and centres that feed our physical body, and hold our body’s emotional memory at a cellular level. Lack of flow in these (caused by accidents, trauma or stress) can affect our whole life, and make the head, neck, coccyx, and burnout and anxiety problems that I successfully treat, very difficult to find the core of.

 Many of these problems can be slow, difficult or even impossible to treat with other approaches, yet when they are treated with the energetic way I work, fast and lasting solutions are suddenly possible.

This is the basis of my Healing the Deep with AcuEnergetics® programs. My name is Cassandra Punita James, and I’m a seasonal nomad working online, and with people in UK, Provence, Holland, Bali & Australia.

I have over 20 years experience in my work, uncovering the buried issues in the way of my clients, and working with my clients both in person and virtual. My work brings together the accurate energy medicine of AcuEnergetics®, my lifetime of founding and running many companies, travelling since a kid, meditation, self-honour and trust living in an ashram for years, and learning courage in the face of adversity sailing the ocean and surviving super typhoons.

Head, Neck, Coccyx Issues
Head, Neck, Coccyx Issues

Many people suffer seemingly untreatable Neck, Back, Coccyx & Pelvis problems. Yet there is an answer. Even seemingly impossible problems can be treated. One needs to look deeper, into hidden causes and solutions, to clear the energetic channels in the area, and then fast and lasting cures are possible.
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Burnout is becoming increasingly common. Recent surveys show over 85% of UK adults have experienced it in the last two years.  How is your energy? …Yet it is possible to live your life to the fullest, and have energy. I work with clients in programs to fully recover their energy and avoid burning out again.
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Sex & Love
Sex & Love

Much of our happiness comes from our relationships, so enjoying Sex & Love are key – yet we all have times of stress in these areas. There are natural solutions! With personalised programs, the deep causes of these issues can be healed so it is possible to enjoy emotionally and sexually fulfilling relationships.
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Anxiety or Trauma FREEDOM
Anxiety or Trauma FREEDOM

Past stress, anxiety, fear, grief and trauma can keep affecting us long after the difficult situation is over. For these past threats can become locked into the very cells of our body, even if we no longer remember the event, or body does and reacts from it so it can be affecting and limiting the rest of our lives, or until it is energetically cleared.
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“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anais Nin

The Hidden Depths within Us

Physical and emotional symptoms are like the waves on the sea, when they are strong they can affect our whole life. Yet, the cause is often hidden in the depths below the surface, and it is into this invisible world within us that we have to go to find, and clear, many blocks causing the painful symptoms we see on the surface.

Healing the Deep programs can successfully clear these blocks by bringing together the accurate energy medicine of AcuEnergetics®, with wisdom from many teachers around the world, both ancient and modern, that Cassandra has met on her travels.

Levels of Treatment
Level 1 – Sunlight Zone: Clinic Sessions

Here we start to treat all your problems using the accurate energy medicine techniques and understandings of AcuEnergetics® – from Back Pain to Burnout, from Sex, Love & Natural Fertility issues to Stress, PTSD & other Emotional challenges. Incredible changes can happen in these sessions. As clients have shared, in just 90 minutes they saw profound shifts that they never thought possible before. You could experience this too…Experience yourself at a regular clinic in UK (London) or Holland, or the pop-up ones in Europe, Bali and Australia. – Does now feel the time to become free from from a physical or emotional pain?

“My initial session was so healing I signed up for a 24 Hr Breakthrough Intensive with Cassandra Punita”. Sundari Harden, Spain


Level 2 – Twilight Zone: Clinic Packages

Level 2 is where we will plan a program of clinic sessions with you to treat issues that needs a more extended time to heal. This is especially good if you are suffering from certain difficult issues, such as chronic physical pain, fertility, sexual issues and burnout.


Level 3 – Midnight Zone: Private Retreats

Sometimes in life we need to get away from it all. We need to go deeper. We know it’s time for a complete seachange. And this is what happens for people when they join me on a 1 to 3 day Private Healing the Deep Retreat in a beautiful environment (Provence, Bali or the SW England). Here is where I can focus exclusively on you, so we can clear whatever physical and emotional symptoms are standing in your way, so amazing new things can be possible.

“I want to share what I just experienced on a 3 day retreat with Cassandra Punita in Provence. Am so proud, so grateful, so many insights. I am touched in my heart, so much letting go of my past. I can really recommend this. It’s a breakthrough in my life, and I trust that I will now to go for what I really want.” Eric V.D., Netherlands


Level 4 – Abyss Zone: Private Platinum 4 Month VIP Program

Clients in these longer program have seen their whole life transformed, and at such a deep level that health, love and career opportunities become available to them which before they never even thought possible. This Private Platinum 4-month VIP Program supports healing and change from deep within, to the painful symptoms, and include monthly private retreats, weekly calls, constant energetic support and much more. During these programs it’s possible to clear chronic pain and health issues where all other avenues often failed, to shift hidden physical and emotional blocks limiting your life. Seemingly impossible obstacles can dissolve without effort, so freeing you up to finally live an energised, inspired and joyous life – a life in flow.

““My transformation level accelerated exponentially when I joined the intense Private VIP Program, as I was now getting exclusive focus from Cassandra. I was astonished to discover far deeper issues that appeared to control every aspect of my life, which had remained hidden and out of sight before. Even location made a big difference – I felt inner shifts deepening as I moved doing from doing casual sessions in London, to a Private VIP program in Dorset, and then to her top Private Programs in Provence.”– Ken W., UK 


  • I Healed Chronic Sciatica, & Many Other Issues…

    “I am very happy to have the opportunity to recommend the work that is being done by Cassandra Punita. Over the years she has given me over 30 sessions on a range of issues (physical and emotional). In them I was able to look at, and resolve, many early issues in my life, which I now realise had affected my body, and some had contributed towards my chronic sciatica (which she also gave me sessions for).”

    Veeresh, Founder and President of the Humaniversity
    Veeresh, Founder and President of the Humaniversity
  • Self Doubt Gone, Confidence With Women Returned, Normal Erections Again!

    “After a Healing the Deep Retreat for this with Cassandra Punita, there was an almost immediate improvement in the blood flow and I was able to achieve normal erections. This has improved my self-confidence, I feel more relaxed and I have no self doubt anymore when making love. My advice to anyone dealing with this issue, is to take a “leap of faith”, and ask for help, like I did.”

    John C*, England
    John C*, England *This client requested confidentiality so a pseudonym & stock photo has been used.
  • Amazing Breakthrough – Healed Knee, Let Past Go, Found Love!

    “My experience receiving AcuEnergetics® treatments from Cassandra Punita has been an amazing break through in my life. She also told me about the close relation between this knee problem and my attachment to old relationships. So the sessions to treat my knee included helping me to let my old relationships go. My knee healed, and immediately there was a space to allow and welcome a new relationship.”

    Maria M*, Italy
    Maria M*, Italy *This client requested confidentiality so a pseudonym & stock photo has been used.
  • From Exhaustion to, Clarity & Revitalised Energy

    “My initial session was so healing I signed up for a 24 Hr Breakthrough Intensive with Cassandra, which has been hugely helpful in all aspects of my life. I experienced a sense of clarity and revitalized energy through my whole body. I found her to be a warm, compassionate and extremely skilled therapist and I look forward to carrying on the good work with her.”

    Sundari Harden, Spain
    Sundari Harden, Spain
  • 20 Years Extreme Back & Neck Pain Cleared!

    “I had a mishap 20 years ago which left me with a lower back and neck injury. I had two sessions with Cassandra. And after the first session the pain level in my back was reduced, but my neck still hurt. After the second session, for the first time in 20 years, I had no pain at all! Cassandra, you are a legend. You will have a special place in my heart for your help.”

    Steve L, Australia
    Steve L, Australia
  • Highly Skilled & Very Experienced Practitioner

    “After some Thai massages on holiday, I experienced considerable pain in my groin. Over the following 6 years the pain increased so that when I met Cassandra Punita and had some sessions with her, I was truly amazed that the pain decreased and that I was able to sleep again. I feel extremely fortunate to have…been treated by a highly skilled and very experienced practitioner.

    David W*, Switzerland
    David W*, Switzerland *This client requested confidentiality so a pseudonym & stock photo has been used.

How to work with Cassandra? – Clinics, Virtual, Retreats & VIP Programs

Clinic & Virtual 1:1

Let me help you to start making key shifts within you, that can restore your energy, save you from burnout, resolve anxiety, and move you beyond procrastination – so your work and life can start to flourish, without burnout. These are also available as packages for more consistency.
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Support Programs

Programs of short weekly support calls with coaching & distant energetic treatment to enable faster shifts and clarity. These can be for 3 or 6 months, or longer and are popular with for business support or during times of big personal change. They can make a powerful  difference in just 30min a week.    
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Private 3-Day Private Retreats

These are the most popular of Cassandra’s deep programs. An opportunity to step out of your busy life for a just few days, for deep, intensive and totally supported work with one or two major issues in your life, health or work. They happen in beautiful venues in UK, Provence or Bali. You may have being trying to resolve or heal something for months or years, with no success – and then in a just a few days we can uncover the key causes, and clear them.
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Private Platinum VIP Programs

The bespoke 3-6 month Private Platinum VIP Program can be life-changing. Run in UK, Ireland, Provence, Bali & other beautiful locations, these are could be for you if you are looking to free yourself from a number of challenging physical, and emotional or career, issues at the deepest level. To totally revision and recreate your life.
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Bespoke VIP Programs –

For these bespoke VIP Programs I travel to your location in the world. These programs are the preferred option for High Net Worth Individuals – centi-millionaire company founders,  successful entrepreneurs with no free time, or VIP’s for whom privacy is key – so I come and work with them in their private residences, boutique hotels, private hospitals (including intensive care if needed) and yachts. People I have worked with in these programs have been looking for unique support for themselves, family members and their team, so I treat and support them with unique, bespoke programs tailored  to what they are looking to heal and change in their lives. I have travelled to – Monaco, St Tropez, Bahrain, England and beyond for these.  

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Group Retreats

‘Life is a daring adventure, or nothing’ Helen Keller
Imagine escaping your busy life for a holiday with a purpose in Bali or Provence. A week long Journey discovering new ways to truly Flourish in your Work & Life without Burnout. They include Yin Yoga (no experience necessary), Meditation, Delicious Food, local courage adventures with new like-minded friends in inspiring & beautiful locations. Find your balance, happiness, energy  to live in flow again.

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– UK | Europe | Bali | Australia. 

Cassandra travels the world working with professionals, entrepreneurs and digital nomads so fulfilling our potential success without burnout.

Her teachers, inspirers and mentors have been many; from learning on the job while co-founding and running companies, including setting up the internationally successful AcuEnergetics® School & Clinic in Australia with the modality’s founder, Kevin Farrow, and her training in this powerful  accurate energy medicine that is the core of how she works with client’s physical issues; years spent in an Indian ashram discovering inner calm and meditation; and learning centred courage sailing on a wooden yacht through a super typhoon.

Cassandra is a seasonal nomad, based in England for spring and autumn, then spends other months in Provence, Holland, Bali & Australia.

Typhoon Surfing Vlog

An adventurer’s path….

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain



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