(Vlog) Time Beyond the Small Stuff

 In Courageous Living, Work/Life Balance

Do you make time just for you each day?

The real juicy, joyous, relaxing, creative, invigorating totally for you sort of time?

Or, like so many of us at times, do you find yourself sweating the small stuff, putting everything and everyone else first so there is little or no time left for you at the end of the day?

In my early 30’s I had a fast-growing company with many staff, and I must admit I did just this.
I thought about my business and everyone else all the time, I sweated the small stuff and forgot to make time just for me…

Till one day I realised that as much as I loved my business, my 24/7 approach wasn’t helping me or it and I had to change.

So I shifted things, got up a little earlier, left my work thoughts at the office when I went home, and started my day with time for me – and that changed everything. I still start the day with time just for me, and it feels amazing. ?

Last week, on the retreat I was running here in Provence, I asked the people who joined me for it, to explore this and experience how different you feel when you make personal time a priority.

The key – to explore what makes your heart sing, how you find stillness inside, what makes your body feel alive and full of energy, and that creativity project that you have kept postposing, and then reconnect with them. On our retreat they were able to practice, explore, make time for and experienced the difference that doing these daily made for them – and then they made a plan and promise to make space for these once they returned home.

In today’s video I’m sharing some of these with you – the key things I explore in the time I give myself each day, plus ones used by many successful people around the world. Doing these daily can change your whole life!

Have fun with these, and see what are the important and nourishing ones for you, the ones that could transform how your day feels as you give yourself time beyond the small stuff.

And if you know someone who could find this helpful, please feel free to share it with them. This is such a key shift for us all to do so we can love our lives even more…

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